Thursday, August 27, 2009

Change -- Can you spare some Change?

Keep It Simple

Things do not change, we do.
---Henry David Thoreau

There are still as many bars as there were when we were drinking. There are still lots of drugs around.The world hasn’t changed. What’s changed is that we now live a different way of life.

We’ve learned that, for us, alcohol and other drugs are poison.For us, there are now two worlds: the world we left behind, and our new world of recovery. In our old world, we’d try to get everyone else to change. We had the right. In our new world, we look for ways we can change for the better. In our new life, we’re willing to change.

Prayer for the Day: I pray that I may be like a mighty river, always changing.
Action for the Day: I will list changes I need to make in my new life.

***Warning Video contains language/profanity***


One thing I know for sure -- it's certainly time to change.

I'm in what I call a transition period -- in between sentences -- in a rut -- a midlife crisis -- growing and regressing at a constant rate. Well, I guess it's better than two steps forward and three steps back.

I realize change is relative and what I consider change might be completely different from the next person. But what I think most can agree is that the outside influences of this world can make change very difficult. Healthy expectations and society's are not one in the same. Since society's not going to change, I guess it's up to me.

Today, I will follow the action of the day and make a list of some of the changes I need in my life.

1) Get up and out -- move more and eat healthier.
2) Spend more energy on honesty and less on isolation.
3) Procrastinate less and organize more.
4) Be more patient with myself and others.
5) Be open minded and take suggestions.
6) Get my petrified butt to a face to face meeting.
7) Buy milk and bread -- oops, wrong list.

As the great Peter Brady once said, "When it's time to change, you've got to rearrange."

I hope when I start rearranging that I don't trip over the furniture.


What changes, if any, do you have to make in your life?


clean and crazy said...

for me i need to get to a meeting as well, i need to continue my stepwork and stop trying to control my character defects, i like what i read here the frugal hen does a gratitude list every post but what i like most are her 12 steps that she has posted on her blog ans the first one says to exercise a little everyday, so far for the last two weeks, i have been going to the gym on a daily basis and while i have only made one meeting a week, the gym seems to be really helping my attitude as well. take care of you i love your list i may need to borrow it myself good stuff here sister.

dAAve said...

I can't handle the music. sorry.

Tall Kay said...

The topic at my meeting last night was change too. "If we don't change here, we don't stay here. The same person will drink again." It's a WE program, and you don't have to do this alone.

Thumbs down on the music here too (sorry but my volume was up and it scared me half to death). Good luck with your action list today.

Shadow said...

with spring poking around the corner and summer snapping at its heels, i would have to say... get some colour on these snowy white limbs... okay, i know that's not what you meant, but it's all i'm up for today.

Angela said...

In our old world, we’d try to get everyone else to change. We had the right. In our new world, we look for ways we can change for the better. In our new life, we’re willing to change.

These statements spoke volumes to me...((hugs))

The neverending battle of child's opiate addiction said...

I look forward to your daily posts. You list could have been mine! I am going to now sit down and write my own list so thanks for the inspiration!

Syd said...

Sue, getting to a meeting is a good idea. I'm about to walk out the door to a noon one myself. The right kind of change is good.

Sheryl said...

My oldest has gone off to college this fall. The change is huge for me, not knowing where she is all of the time. Yes, I'm a control freak and that probably should change too.

Busy Bee Suz said...

awww, another awesome post from YOU. You express your thoughts so well, I feel like I am sitting in the corner of your brain. (Of course, I am sitting criss-cross applesauce, so I don't hurt any parts)
The changes I am in the progress of making are living a healthier life. Less bad stuff and more good stuff. Pretty easy right? nah. But I am working on it and the little changes I have made, make me feel sooo much better on the inside and so I am feeling better about what I see on the outside as well.

Love that video. wtf.

Akelamalu said...

Well a change is as good as a rest. That's a good list - even the bread and milk! LOL

My life will change big time come December when I retire - I'm looking forward to change. :)

Lou said...

I appreciate list making, and goal setting is important. But trying to make too many changes at once has been proven to not work. OMG, that sounds cranky doesn't it. Sorry.

Maude Lynn said...

Where to start? Honestly, I'm not sure.

Beth in NC said...

Thanks so much for visiting me and for the follow! I will follow you too.


Scott W said...

It all sounds good to me. Love that video.

Dave, what music?

Lin said...

Who knew Peter Brady could be so brilliant??! Add to the list: be kind to yourself. I think you're missing that one. :)

Diana said...

Hi Sue,
Oh boy, change is good, change is difficult, change is inevitable. It's all in how I choose to face it right?
Love Di

Lisa said...


Here is to change. I love your list even the for me I think I will use yours.

Thank you for visiting me on my blog. I look forward to our new friendship. Which is going to be a nice change;-)

Michelle said...

I tell myself every day to "eat healthier, exercise, stop being so lazy" and it never works. I'm just not there yet -but I'm better off than I was six months ago!

and LOL @ #7 :)

Tracy said...

Love the Thoreau quote.

All too often I want circumstances to change instead of looking at myself. Great action for the day.

Bar L. said...

Your blog is my new favorite place to visit! There is so much here, a good reading, a good quote a funny video (loved the part about Australia, so true, eh mate?) and topped off with some introspection. I need to change:

- not worry so much, let go and let God

- getting back into my walking routine

- stop caring what other people think of my decisions when I know they are right for me (I think)

- finish reading and working through a book I started

Linda said...

You are amazing! I am speechless after reading your blogs. Change is good and I am working on this one myself.

Anne said...

Susan, thank you for visiting my blog! I like your prayer to be like a mighty river. Life is constantly changing around us isn't it? We've got to go with the flow, like it or not, or we'll drown.

God bless you in your efforts to change for the better!

Anonymous said...

I'm becoming addicted to your posts, lol. That's a good thing!! It's rare to come across some one as open and honest at you. Thank you for letting me join you on this wild ride called life. We need to "kiss", keep it simple stupid. I love what you wrote about being willing to change in our new life instead of expecting others to change. It has taken me a long time to get to this place. You are loved Susan. ((hugs))

Anonymous said...

My biggest challenge has been balance. Slowing down and doing much less has helped me in this area.

I also have to remember that just because I am trying to change, does not mean everyone else should, or that I am better than them for doing so.

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Swatantra said...

Things do not change we do!! Very true! Thanks for sharing!!

Reader Wil said...

It's an interesting subject, Susan! At my age there are some minor changes occuring every now and then. One of them is getting rid of the things I don't need anymore, which is difficult enough as it is!
Thanks for your visit!

karen said...

Hi Susan, and thanks for visiting my blog! Sorry it's taken me a little while to come round to yours, and here I've found so much inspiration!

Hope your list is going well (I'm a lover of motivational lists, too!) and I'll be back as a regular visitor here :)