Meditation For The Day
Breathe in the inspiration of goodness and truth. It is the spirit of honesty, purity, unselfishness, and love. It is readily available if we are willing to accept it wholeheartedly.
God has given us two things– His spirit and the power of choice – to accept or not, as we will.We have the gift of free will. When we choose the path of selfishness and greed and pride, we are refusing to accept God's spirit. When we choose the path of love and service, we accept God's spirit and it flows into us and makes all things new.
Prayer For The Day: I pray that I may choose the right way. I pray that I may try to follow it to the end.
Choices -- some are simple, like deciding to leave a lucrative programming career to teach high school math and raise my own daughter. Other decisions are more difficult, like deciding what 2 sides to get with my Turkey entree at Boston Market.
Regardless, I believe it is my choice -- my responsibility -- and depending upon the choices I make, my life might take a different turn.
Sue, do you really believe that you have that kind of control in your life?
Control? Ha, if I had control, I would be able to drink only 2 classes of Moet rather than 2 bottles at a sitting. No, it's more like I have the ability to choose my own direction. And my direction may determine the roads I travel in my life.
So, you don't believe in destiny or predetermination at all?
Wow, an extremely existentialist question before my morning cup of Joe. To simplify this multi-faceted topic, life is like a video game. Let's call it The DeAngelis House of Doom. I can muddle through, go left, right, up, down... I can take on a whole clan of zombies with only a half clip and a smile or bail out down some sewage pipes below.
My goal is the same -- to get to the end, win the game, while accumulating as many points as possible.
I still don't get it, Sue.
Zombie analogy too weird for ya? Okay, I believe no matter what choices we make during our lifetime, in the end, all roads lead to the same place. But the paths we choose and how we interact with others during our travels, define who we truly are as individuals.
Enough said. I have to decide what I'm going to do first this morning -- the laundry, food shopping, cleaning the house. No stress, if I don't get to it today, it'll get done eventually.
Help me decide -- scrambled or over easy for breakfast?
What is your take on Free Will and Destiny? What happened when you tried the Freaky Math Trick?
Learn more about the Susan/Susan Recovery Project or visit posts on Acceptance, Change, Waste, Balance, Selflessness, Happiness/misery, or Imperfection.