To be completely at peace, avoid hurting anyone for any reason. Lord, I will act with kindness and when others are hurtful to me, I will focus on Your presence within them to give me courage to respond gently.If we spend time thanking God for the good things in our lives, we won't have time to do so much complaining.
Thank You, Lord, for the gift of life and the many things that bring me joy.
*** Don't fib -- I know you watched it too... lol ***
Pay it Forward for Yesterday: I've been feeling under the weather with flu-like symptoms. But rather than sit on my butt all day long, I did some research for a colleague for a new course she'll start teaching next week. Not much, but she really appreciated it.
Hurt so good (singin') -- come on baby, make it hurt so good. Oops, wrong topic.
Is there anything more difficult than to be kind to those that hurt us. I was taught that I had to let go of the resentments toward those that hurt me and to stop blaming them for my pain.
I've tried to teach, to my child and students, that those who hurt are usually hurting themselves. And we should feel sorry for those who lash out -- not anger and grudge.
Words are so easy to say -- to teach, but oh so difficult to live by.
I needed some extra inspiration today... Join me in a Spiritual Crossword Puzzle.
Can you forgive those who have hurt you?