Walk In Dry Places
Waste Utilization
Releasing the past
Today the world faces seemingly insurmountable problems with solid and liquid waste. Communities struggle to find solutions as waste accumulates and space for disposal sites grows scarce.
As recovering people, we have a similar problem with waste residues from our past. We don't seem to be able to bury bad memories; like the physical waste in the environment, they come back to poison us.
The best answer is to use waste, not throw it away. Instead of trying to bury the past, let's keep it in view but let it be purified by the sunlight of honesty and humility. By admitting past wrongs and forgiving everyone involved.... including ourselves..... we turn waste into useful experience. Nature can do this with much physical waste, over time. we can also let our spiritual nature do that with the emotional and mental waste of our past.
I'll realize that every past mistake and experience can be properly utilized today for something good and uplifting.
*** Warning *** Semi-Adult Content
Sue, why the heck are you talking about WASTE today?
Ha, I thought the same thing, but this daily brings up important points that can assist in my recovery.
Often, I ask myself, "How did I get this way?"
As the topic states, the problems, resentments -- the waste -- accumulated in our past are the poisons that feed our disease. They are the dukie that clogs the pipes of our lives. They are the backup that stops-up our progress.
Ah, I'm a poet and didn't know it.
Sue, how do I get past these plumbing problems?
I'm glad you asked... the answer is D-N-R...
Do Not Resuscitate?
Dive - Delve into your past and present -- discover and attack the poison.
Navigate - Direct the poison -- Release the bad and Redirect the good.
Recycle - Recycle the good that comes from the bad.
Sue, how can good come from bad?
As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Even though bad is bad (and sometimes very bad), good can always come out of it -- learning from your past and sharing your experience, strength and hope with others.
Enough said -- I'm off to dive into the murky waters of my past. Does anyone out there know CPR?
To my READERS: If you have a quote, song or blog/site that you would like featured on my blog, you can email me at susanmdeangelis@yahoo.com
What are your thoughts on WASTE and D-N-R?
I've always been a sort of 'meet things head on' person rather than bury stuff. It work's for me - I hope it does for you too. :)
Wow Sue. Since I started following this blog I've been struck by how timely your posts seem to be to me personally. My sister and I were talking about the subject of "past waste" last night!
I was delighted to read your take on it.
Now I'm going to go look for the accurate wording of my quote. Hopefully I find it.
I know CPR, but I have to dive into my own mess and begin now!
CPR certified here so you can count on me (((hugs)))
This is the beauty of a thorough and searching 4th Step inventory. We get to discover and discard all the waste...cause it's just a waste of time and energy to hang on to all the crap. Great reminders today!
Sue, thanks for this post. For the last eight months, maybe longer, I've been drowning in my waste, or as I like to call it, the ghosts of my past, which seem to have all come back to life. I have a catalog of every failure front and center, and it plays like a bad movie over and over and over again. And, of course, I play the central victim role in my own movie, forever stuck. Today, I'll try and ask a different question. Thanks again for the wonderful post.
Sorry, Susan, no time today !
I LOVE your analogy here, especially today. I also love that you used the word Dukie. It is a word that needs to get out more often. right?
I use my past experiences to help guide my daily ones. I try to not make the same mistake more than one time. Easier said than done.
ps. I am certified in CPR. ;0
Oh, the condom commercial? BRILLIANT!
Again a very timely post for me personally. If you check out my post Body Armor, you will see that I was doing some releasing just last night. We are just in sink a lot of days, thanks for the condom commercial, I needed a good laugh this morning:) P.S. don't know CPR, maybe we will learn together.
Oh, I meant "sinc" not sink...ha!
Sounds messy...I'm glad you have some diving "tools".
I am so inspired from reading this post of yours... When god gives you lemon make a lemonade... Thanks for sharing!!
I think you're absolutely right, the best way to deal with muck is straight on. The problem seems to be that I personally run into is that even when you get past it there seem to be people who will search for our old muck, dig it up, try to hurl it at us or shove it down our throats, maybe even invent some of their own to put our initials on. It is tumultuous.
GOD Bless you on your journey. You have such a unique blog and I know it will help many. I enjoyed reading this post and look forward to getting to know you better. Thank you for following Sitka's blog and leaving such a sweet comment. I, too suffer from terrible allergies, but I am able to have my dogs b/c we have hard wood floors and ceramic tile in most areas and I take "lots" of medicine. I am sorry your allergies are so severe that you are unable to have a furry friend.
Blessings and prayers, andrea
PS: I/we certainly need your prayers. We are in the midst of wedding arrangements for our daughter and my hubby's uncle died this week.
Hi Sue,
I do like your way of thinking. The past mistakes do fade after time. They don't go away but they fade. Once we learn to forgive ourselves. God doesn't punish us. We punish ourselves with guilt.
Love Di
Well, what a discovery you are. I really enjoyed your post and appreciate your visit to my blog!
it looks like you are on to something with this project of yours. have you been to a meeting yet? sorry i haven't been by lately, i have been so busy with life.
It often helps me to remember that most people are full of . . . waste!
Hi - I've popped over from Popculturdivas. I write there and at my own blog, as well.
Interesting synchronicity to bump into your post today. I'm a few months into acupuncture treatment for chronic pain problems. The treatment philosophy is to unclog those blockages you mentioned. Because my pain is deepseated and has been with me for decades, I'm really only at the beginning of my treatment.
But last week I had a deep tissue massage, which ambushed some of those really-stuck spots. And all week I've been de-toxing like crazy. In every form imaginable. Your picture and topic just made me laugh. I can so relate!
You are on a good trail!
Comfort Spiral
Do you know that in south-west of France, there is a town called Condom.
Every english tourist who go to Condom are very astonished.
Very nice the video Peking acrobats.
waste will always be around. makes me appreciate the clean clear waters all the more... as for dnr? i like your definition.
When I did my fourth step and then my fifth, I dove right in. The good part about it is that after the steps the past is not something that I fear. It's something that I can't recover, replace, nor do I wish to constantly replay. I'm for living in the present.
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