"We are looking in the wrong places for happiness."
Robert J. McCracken
I sought happiness in the bottle. Others looked for "good feelings" in drugs, food or other people. Today I know that nothing that is outside of me can make me acceptable --- acceptance must come from within. I need to discover that spiritual place where I can be acceptable to me.
Self-esteem is an essential part of my recovery and that can only be realized by making the spiritual journey within. Today I seek to discover me. I want to know me --- because You created me.
I was always lookin' for love in all the wrong places. I'm my own worst gremlin -- sabotore of my relationships and my sobriety. Hell, a good title for the video could have been It's Your Wonderful Life, Susan DeAngelis. Since I could remember, I thought self-esteem could be bought with some highlights, a new pair of boots, hours at the gym, a man on my arm and master's degree on my wall.
Huh, was I wrong. No really, was I wrong?
But seriously folks, my way or the highway hasn't worked; the Father must be right. Acceptance and self-esteem must be found within. And I hear from a wise source, the strength is already inside me, ready for the using.
Glinda, the Good Witch from the North, as said to Dorothy when asked for a ride home: You don't need my help any longer; You always had the power to go back to Kansas.
So I'll give it a try -- click my red converse kicks together, flip to the Discovery Channel and begin another spiritual journey -- semi open minded and practically positive.
I sure hope it's not SHARK week.
What and where is the origin of your happiness?
This vidoe that you shared was POWERFUL..my goodness, that WAS my mind set for MANY years...
I actually believed all of that.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and praying for my friend. I'm following your blog now and look forward to supporting you on this wild ride called life. ((hugs))
*My hands held high*. A song on Christian radio lately. I have one hand pushing you away and I have one hand pulling you closer, too bad we can't get both hands lifted high. We do this so often. I pray we all keep them lifted higher in our journey of faith.
Your precious and loved!
All my life I was convinced that if I changed the outsides, the insides would somehow change. In recovery, I have found that if I change the insides, the outside somehow changes. Thanks you so much for all your loving support and comments. It made a BIG difference! God bless you today!
for me I think change came when there was no where left for me to look or run to ignore what I had become.
ha, from shoes and clothes, from parties and dancing, from men and my friends, from booze and drugs... and then, one day, it was all over. tried it all, none worked. and i had to find another way to be happy. and rightfully, that can only come from within...
GAH! I'm stealing this video! It's great.
For the last fifteen years, my son. Probably for the next fifteen too. Whenever I think their is no hope, I think of him and I find the strength to finish another day.
That "power" is only a single thought away. How do I forget that?
God has blessed me with a heaping helping of optimism and tenacity.
That helps me find joy in most every day.
When I met my second and actual husband.
Susan, when you come on my blog, on the left you can find the google translator. Translation is not perfect but I think you will understand what I want to tell.
Another happiness in my life except my sons (I have with my ex) and my grandsons, blogging every morning.
Thanks for your comments, always very helpful and supportive. Love this video! Nice little bit of reverse psychology with a punch of sarcasim, very effective. I love the Susan Recovery Project!
We dragons want to thank you for your comment on our blog.
We have always known that our reality was within us.
Next week try writing a 55. The only rule is that whatever you write must be 55 words long be it poem or prose.
I do love my friendships and family, although I am well aware they will ultimately fail me.
Faith in the great beyond,
Hope in the unseen,
Confidence in the yet to be
These help too,
Of course the greatest help is "love"
finding ways to do "the next thing in and through love" is a challenge I relish.
Oh my goodness!! That is how I've lived for years and I am just coming out of it! Wonderful post, wonderful video.
To be fair, my self-esteem really is boosting when I get my highlights... ;) But my real source of happiness is my faith; it's sustaining even when the pieces of my happiness are sucking (husband, kids, friends, teaching, writing).
Keep clicking those Converse - you're so on the right track. I'll keep you in my prayers.
I do hope you manage to stay 'dry'. My grandfather was an alcoholic so my father never drank a drop and I drink very little. So we CAN escape our genes! Thanks for being a Follower!
Super post!! Thanks for sharing the video. So very true! Appreciate you sharing. Blessings....
Interesting question (and I love your blog, btw. Quite original, I think.
The origin of my happiness is my constant delight in the little things in life. This encompasses my curiosity and love of learning and the fact that just getting the mail or finding a green bean ready to pick in my garden (even if it's the only one) can make me happy.
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