I pray that I may go each day to God as a refuge until fear goes and peace and security come. I pray that I may feel deeply secure in the Haven of His spirit.
***I got a little giggle out of this one***
Pay it Forward for Yesterday: Even though I'm still under the weather, I got up early and made ziti for my daughter's after game tailgate party. I'm not saving the world with this stuff, but it's a start.
Instead of going to God when I have a little paper cut, I usually wait too long -- until my arm is severed and I'm bleeding to death. Ha, I think that video had more of an influence on me than I realized.
I think I used to feel that relying on God for every little thing showed weakness. But I don't believe that anymore. I know now it shows faith.
If I can't rely on my higher power for warmth, comfort and protection, then who can I rely on?
Short and sweet today because the prayer says it all. Happy Labor Day to All!
What do you think about today's prayer?
The haven of God's spirit is a good place to reside. You never know who's sneaking down those stairs.
Do you ever think we rely on God too much? I mean this in a very christian way. I often wonder if he ever says to himself, "now this is minor & I think I will let her figure it out". I don't think so but i'm wondering if others ever have this fleeting thought as I have from time to time. Of course, it always brings me back to, What would Jesus do? And then i'm fine again in my belief that can not be overburdened by us. He is ther FOR us.
Your video is sick, funny sick!!
that video is terrible. so terrible I laughed.
I do like your prayer for today.
I try to save my prayers for the big stuff too. Kinda like raising teenagers, you pick your battles (always the big stuff) I save the big stuff for God to handle.
Oh, and none of us can save the world. It is all the little things that add up to the good stuff. ziti is good stuff.
I have a conversation God every day. I guess that way I don't feel guilty when I have a "big" favor to ask;)
Susan I loved your prayer. It is hard for me as well to go to God everyday. I have a bad habit of being more distant when things aren't going as they should. So I just keep practicing everyday to take it to the Lord in prayer. Practice, practice, practice.
I thought that commercial was funny too!
I hope you start feeling better. I most go get something to eat now since I read about the ziti!
Love Di
Susan, I go to God about every little thing. I can't handle a single thing without Him! I am a major wimp and He is everything!
"I think I used to feel that relying on God for every little thing showed weakness. But I don't believe that anymore. I know now it shows faith.", amen, me too!!! I used to think God would be offended by me coming to Him with the little things. Why should I bother the Maker of the Universe when others have it so much worse. I guess I was rebelling and try to be independent instead of Goddependent. Thank you Susan for being you.
Ok, I think that video is gonna give my nightmares!
I pray everyday, for strength, for guidence for patience..that he is there for me to get me through the bad times and thank him for the good times.
In hoc signo vinces.
(with this sign you will win)
It is my firm believe that as long one is able to pray, one will turn out to win whatever battle happens to be either infront or in the back.
A winning week to you.
Instead of going to God when I have a little paper cut, I usually wait too long -- until my arm is severed and I'm bleeding to death.
You know, this past year I have been brought to a place where I go to God for EVERYTHING. Today I was talking to Him and told Him, Father, my family and I need you, ever moment of the day, we CAN'T live without You, not even for half a second.....
I have come to a place where I go to Him with all my paper cuts,,,and He is not like a natural parent,,'oh it's ok, suck it up, it's not that bad'...He is right there ready to hold my hand, and kiss that cut better...
This may have been short and sweet but it was an awesome post sis!!
This was very beautiful. I think I can handle the little stuff on my own, but the little stuff adds up, and suddenly my life is unmanageable again. I hope you're feeling much better!
ps: thanks for the link...I feel so special :o)
I like today's prayer and am working on getting myself back to that place where I can trust God more.
Well, our Big book states that God has ALL power. That must mean i have none...in other words, I cannot even bend over without God (or sometimes even WITH him!)
I vote for "Every little thing". Ask God to help, or at least BE there...He already is!
yeah, why wait until it's way late...
I am so transparent with God now, it is a daily conversation I have with Him just about everything good bad and ugly. Thanks Susan for sharing!! Blessings!
Sometimes I hesitate to go to God because I'm ashamed to have gone over and over for the same thing.
I have protection one. One of the guys who comes to check on my alarm likes to check the batteries by licking them. Eww!
Anything that makes you feel safe and protected is a positive thing. I tend to prayer for other people though and not so much for myself. Trying to work on that. :)
Peter said " Lord where shall we go? You have the Words of life". We can rely on God for all.
it is good to let go and live in the moment, which i think relying on God helps us do
I think that is a huge start, Susan!
happy labor day!!
Hi Susan:
Just came by to check on you. Hope all is well with you. We miss you. Hugs, TK
Missing you and your posts as I became addicted to them ((hugs)). Hope you're okay.
Good prayer. I like to think of God as a safe haven for me. But I also believe that I have a brain to do things and that God helps those who help themselves too.
I love today's prayer and struggle with it daily.
That commercial is the stuff from my nightmares!! Yikes!!!
Oh that video was funny... in a warped kinda way!
have a great weekend!
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