Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kindness -- There is no ME in Kindness

Daily Inspiration

Today be kind and loving and expect nothing in return. When you lift your consciousness above the darkness, you will understand that the life of God is the only enduring life.

Daily Prayer: Dear God, open our hearts to be able to see you anywhere, anytime, in all the ways that you choose to be present.

***This one really made me smile. Take a lookie see.***


Someone from the program emailed me the other day. He wanted to be friendly and extend a helping hand to a fellow sufferer. His warm words and generosity truly helped me get through a very rough day.

Ah, one of the extreme benefits and joys I have received from this project.

After a few emails, I learned he had cancer and only a few months to live. When I read the Daily Inspiration, I thought of him.

Today, I'm going to perform at least 3 random acts of kindness discreetly and expect nothing in return. It is time I witness, first hand, God, present in my life.

One down -- two to go... lol...


How do you see your Higher Power present in your life?

Learn more about the Susan/Susan Recovery Project or visit posts on Love, Free Will, Acceptance, Change, Waste, Balance, Selflessness, Happiness/misery, or Imperfection.

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claude said...

Abe Lincoln asked me for if in our country we have the same deers that for example the Whitetail deer. In France we have only kind of deer but he has not the same name in according with his age.
I hope I answered to your question.

claude said...

Again me, Sue
The video made me smile too.
Sad the story of this sick man who sent you some emails.
I know someone who makes good things but she always waits for something in return.

steveroni said...

Thanks, Sue for the "Random Act Warning" video LOL...Let's see--do the random act, then call the cops--or "fahr dept."

I did not know they could make chicken and a huge biscuit seem like a precious treat! Direction: Go to Creedmoor NC, and park right where everyone else is parking.

Love the "reading"....

Anonymous said...

Sue, you are such an incredible blessing in my life. I feel like I've known you and yet I've never seen your face or looked into your eyes. I've feel like I've seen you though because I've gotten glimpses of your heart. (((hugs))) Your posts are one of the things I look forward to every day.

Lou said...

That guy reminds me I'm always leaving a wake of destruction behind me, even though I mean well. That's what my husband says anyway.

Where is God NOT present in my life!

Me said...

Do give an update as to your random acts of kindness and how said project goes. It'll be interesting to hear.

Tall Kay said...

This trick is not to get caught or tell anyone. It's not as easy as it sounds. When I finally get the chance for a random act of kindness, I'm dying to tell someone! Beautiful post to start my day!

Dr.John said...

I try every day to do one act of kindness. Others often follow.

Lynn said...

To just do small kindnesses that might mean that someone else has a better day. I do believe that God does have us touch each other's lives for a reason.

Reader Wil said...

Hi Sue, That's a great video. It made me laugh! I think we don't have to look for giving kindness, the opportunity comes by itself.
It's a great post, Sue!

Hula Girl at Heart said...

There is no "me" in kindness--I like that.

Great post.

Secondary Roads said...

Love that video. I was laughing enough gusto that I had to play it again for Sylvia. Kindness from a generous heart uplifts.

Trée said...

Sue, that's a question I've no answer.

Trudy in VA said...

Hi,Sue! Thanks for reminding me to remember that doing things quietly for others makes ME always feel so good!

Quilly said...

This video was funny! You certainly put a smile on my face today!

Syd said...

I made a resolution to do at least one act of random kindness a day. It has been great to do. And most are little things that one wouldn't think about. Glad that you are part of the Random club too.

Cathy said...

so, so true. what a wonderful, sad story about that man--my dad is terminally ill. it's been really hard, but when I can focus on the good things, it helps. you've reminded me how giving makes such a difference.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I try to do little things all the time for others, hoping it will make their life easier or more enjoyable. I don't expect much from other folks though. ;0
I love reading your thoughts. Prayers for the gentleman who is not well...why is life so cruel sometimes? I will never understand this.

hope you are feeling better.

robert said...

Once again I'd like to refer to my son, being for more than two years now a 'higher presence' in my life.

Reading your posts ALWAYS leaves thoughts that remain for many days. Thank you.

Angela said...

Give me that darn Dog Bible please,,I have two toy poodles that need to get their paws on it!!!!!!

Thanking God you reached out girl to that man...((hugs))

Hope said...

I need one of those posters for my pug who likes to pee in the house!