Sunday, August 23, 2009

Selflessness -- You want me to do WHAT?

Daily Inspiration

Life has a way of working itself out if you simply make the best of this moment, one moment at a time. Lord, You have given me this moment.

Grant me the wisdom to live it in a way that will make a difference for me and for those around me. No one has ever asked of God and not received an answer.

Lord, bless me with quiet resolve to hear You and wisdom to accept Your Will.


Today, I've got to wipe myself off, give my kicks a spit shine and head over to my daughter's first college field hockey scrimmage. Help!

SCENE: Sue's conversation with her daughter, M, the day before the game.

M: So Mom, the coach is looking forward to talking to you at the tailgate party after the game.
Susan: Me, why does she want to talk to me? (she says defensively)
M: It's about fundraising, the Europe trip next summer... you know you're going to have to mingle with all of the parents, right?

As Susan watches her daughter leave the room, her heart begins to pound faster and faster.

Susan: What am I gonna say? Worse, what am I gonna to wear? Is it possible to lose 40 pounds overnight? Why can't I just stay home and have one of her friends videotape the game for me?
/Susan: Now stop it, Sue. Don't let your disease ruin your daughter's special day. Not everything is about you.

Susan takes a deep breath. She knows what she has to do.

Susan: Hey M -- (she shouts to her daughter's room down the hall) -- don't worry. I'll wow 'em tomorrow.


Yes, I had one of my Carrie moments..."They're all gonna to laugh at you; they're all gonna laugh at you; they're all gonna laugh at you."

Today, I'll change into my Wonder Woman costume and keep the Daily Inspiration in my head and heart throughout the day's events.


Wish me Luck!

What have you done lately that is completely selfless?


Gin said...

I love that you share your internal thoughts with us. We ALL have to do that. I talk myself into and out of things all day long. ;-). Enjoy the game!

Angela said...

Life has a way of working itself out if you simply make the best of this moment, one moment at a time. Lord, You have given me this moment.

Grant me the wisdom to live it in a way that will make a difference for me and for those around me. No one has ever asked of God and not received an answer.

Lord, bless me with quiet resolve to hear You and wisdom to accept Your Will.
amen amen amen

Yes Lord, You have given Sue this moment, and I want to praise You NOW because Your Word states that You have already gone on before her to make the crooked places straight and the rough patches smooth.

I pray for peace, for strength, for a calm and well balanced mind...Lord, just FILL her up with Your love and let her know how precious she is to You,,a crown of splendor in Your right hand and the apple of Your eye...

Thank You for angels guarding and guiding her all the way and thank You that You will do more than she could ever ask or imagine this day..Thank You for WOWing her today and letting her know she CAN do all things through Your precious Son Jesus Christ!!

praying for you Sue...((hugs)) Plug your ears to those lies that are trying to bombard your mind...

I'm going to a function today also and I've been preparing myself mentally for it. Like you, my flesh just wants to stay home. I even realized early this morning, I DO this quite often...I make myself a hermit...NO MORE GIRL!!!!! So I'm going and I will be ok....AND I'm going to have fun!!!!@

Lou said...

Susan, you are an intelligent, spiritual, kind hearted, sober woman. I don't understand how you cannot see this!

But don't wear that wonder woman costume, you're daughter will be mortified.

Diana said...

OMG I can't believe we used to watch that corny Wonder Woman crap!
O.K. Susan just remember to do one thing at a time and you'll do fine.
Love Di

dAAve said...

Thanks for dropping by. Of course I shall add a link to your blog.
Keep comin' back!

Judith said...

I can't think of anything completely selfless I've done lately. Sad but true. The closest I've come is giving my son more freedom to grow up despite my (lately raging) desire to keep him my baby boy. But even that is not all altruistic -- I want him to grow up well-adjusted and happy, and somewhere in there is me feeling good about being a good mother.

I totally get the "they're going to laugh at me" feeling. I've been slowly getting over it by realizing that if they do laugh at me, it has very little impact on me. Plus, most of the time, everyone else is focused on how they are being perceived so they don't pay much attention to anyone else. Or if they do tear someone else apart, it's pretty clear who the insecure one is.

Dulçe ♥ said...

Dear Sue!
You and your questions!
Nice post. It makes me think you are really getting where you really want to. You can lose that weight just by looking IN the mirror!
If you relax and look in you, and act as a simple observer... everything will be fine.
sth selfness? The things coming to my mind now are related to money. That does not count...

Mary Christine said...

I always remember the woman (hag!) who told me that when I am self-conscious, I am self-centered. When I think about others, I stop worrying about what they are thinking about me.

Tall Kay said...

If you go to the game thinking of how you look, is it really selfless? (In my sponsors voice): Go to the event to see what you can give to others, and allow God to take care of the rest. You're blessed that she wants you there! Have a wonderful time.

Reader Wil said...

Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. Whatever you will do: be yourself and that's wonderful enough.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, the fact that you talk through your fear is wonderful. To think we have to impress all we meet is the strangest phenom I deal with. Just be yourself and there can be no guilt or shame. You sound like a hoot.

Selfless? Hmmm may sound trivial but hubs and I have been working very hard with a severly abused dog who we have taken into our home via a rescue. Very very time consuming. But it's paying off in small steps-slowly.

Trée said...

My step-daughter got married two weeks ago. I told myself, one rule, don't be an arse. This day is not about you. You can be an arse tomorrow, but not on this day. This day belongs to her.

Bernie said...

Hello Susan, my first visit and I am so glad to be here.
We all have demons, just as we all have choices. Actions provide reactions.....I could go on and on, but it's you who have to choose one moment at a time because it's you we are talking about here. Don't try and solve what you know and perceive as flaws all at once...just breathe, love your daughter, love yourself and enjoy your freedom this very moment. Good Luck Susan, I will be back as I am pleased with your raw honesty and so interested with the bravery/weakeness you are dealing with.
Pop over sometime....:-) Hugs

Maude Lynn said...

Are you in my head? I swear that I have that conversation with myself every time that I have to attend some sort of school function!

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

You will make it. That is clear. But I will wish you luck,as you asked, nonetheless!

linda may said...

God Susan you sound like me.
Selfless though...that is what us Mums do for our kids and the ones we love. All the time. You should be proud that you can step outside those things in your head and move forwards for your family when it is so hard for you to do. That is strong.

Hope said...

I hope you had a good day!

linda may said...

Susan, I just read back through your last few entries. You are one cool blogger. How did you choose me for a blog friend, because someone must have meant for me to read your writings.And why did I have to get to this age to find out so many truths here that apply to the way I think but am trying to change. You are good.

Cloudia said...

Just breathe!
You have our support..
and our aloha-

Comfort Spiral

Syd said...

I'm catching up on commenting. I hope that all went well. It sounds like a fun time. And your daughter will be glad that you are there. It sounds like a win-win to me.