Sunday, August 30, 2009

Love -- Give it away, give it away, give it away now...

Keep it Simple

Love is something if you give away, you end up having more.
--- Malvina Reynolds

Service is how we give love away. It’s the “self” of self-help. Service is not a duty; a gift that’s been given to us. We help ourselves by helping others. It’s how we make sure the program will be here tomorrow.

We “carry the message.” It’s just one way we see how important we are to others. The world needs us. The world needs our love.

Prayer for the Day: I pray for help in making service a big part of my program. Higher Power, help me to “carry the message.”
Action for the Day: Which people could use a kind word and a little love? I will go visit them or give them a call.

***Please note -- I am not affiliated with any blog/advertising***


I always found giving far better than receiving -- unless you're receiving a 2 carat princess cut in a platinum setting.

But seriously folks... Giving is one area that I am stronger than others -- in and out of the rooms. It's very important to me that carrying the message does is not restricted to members of the program or our faith.

Carrying the message could be
opening the door for someone,
slipping a friendly note in someone's lunchbox,
listening to a problem without judgement,

holding someone's hand or
simply making someone laugh.

Carrying the message can be done in silence by avoiding the urge to be mean, critical or belittling.

Yes, I know -- love is patient; love is kind. But love is also contagious -- like gonorrhea, but in a good way. Too far? So sorry.

Okay, I'll keep it brief. Today, I'm going to get out of myself and show everyone in my path some love. While I'm driving, I won't tell anyone they suck or flip them the bird. Maybe I'll even use one of my lifelines, take Stevie's Wonder's lead and pick up the phone to tell someone I love them.


I'm sending all my readers some love today, with a warm hug. Pay it forward, pay it forward, pay it forward, now.

How will you pay Love forward today?

Learn more about the Susan/Susan Recovery Project or visit posts on Free Will, Acceptance, Change, Waste, Balance, Selflessness, Happiness/misery, or Imperfection.

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Fire Byrd said...

And you can have it right back at you.
Love:ly post, well worth stopping by for, thanks for the hint!

dark wings said...

Love and hugs to you, hon.

Dulçe ♥ said...

BY reading you and not expecting anyone to read me.For it shouldn't depend on how many people come by...

dAAve said...

Yes, there are infinite ways to give.

Secondary Roads said...

Love the laugh of baby Morgan. I'll be chuckling all day now . . .

Tall Kay said...

I'm going to give Molly (my mutt) a bath. She loves a bath! What a wonderful reminder to get out of self. Enjoy your Sunday. Hugs

Lynn said...

The act of paying it forward - so many things that can be done. Good thought for today, Susan.

Trudy said...

My mom is in a nursing home, and one thing I have found. The people in there are desperate for a human touch--some have no visitors. They want you to speak to them with a smile, touch them on the arm, reach down and give them a hug. The other day, I walked in and met a man I hadn't seen before. He looke it me with a little smile, and I knew he wanted to talk, so I introuced myself to him and talked a couple of minutes.

It only took that long to let him know someone was interested--that's usually all the time it takes for anyone.

Diana said...

Is it just me or does that baby sound like he's going to grow up to be a large biker dude!

I am paying it forward right now Sue, I am letting my teen have control of the television which at times can push me to the brink of insanity Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha he he he he !!!!!!!!
Love Di

Anon E. Mouse said...

Seven years and you are still craving? Yikes! That is always he question I ask folks who have a few years sobriety. Does it get to a point where you just don't think about it anymore? I just can't imagine having to duel with "the other me" for the rest of my life. ....sigh.... I, too, am keeping a blog. Mine is to see if I can make it to that one year milestone. Today is day one for me.

Lou said...

I will try not to be such a smart ass commenter..*wink*

Anonymous said...

Yes, we must serve. We were created to worship Him and for good works. I also find it's far better to give than receive. You are absolutely right when you say that carrying our message should not be restricted to those in our program or faith. Great post!!

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is such a nice message. I sincerely hope/think that I do this every single day.
Today, what I did, was a bit more. I drove almost 2 hours (each way) to see my Grandma in the hospital. It made her day...and mine.

Thanks for the love. I always feel it here.

garden-variety drunk said...

It's amazing how different my day is when I am open to being guided and directed rather than driven. it's like those new pair of glasses that chuck c. talks about : )

Maude Lynn said...

I'll really listen, instead of just pretending to!

robert said...

As the kid is home for two years now, there have been about 700 nights which I took care of him, totally on my own.
He's just starting to speak and there are days when he seems to learn a word each new day.
There were nights when I slept less than four hours, falling asleep while conduction lessons (yes, imagen the fun on students faces!).
Am looking very much forward to 'give it away' for further 7000 nights and days.
Please have a nice new week.

Linda said...

You brought a huge smile to my face. You are just what the doctor Jesus ordered today. I didn't really do anything out of the ordinary today, but for the first time today out of the last 18 years plus of our marriage, I brought my husband a nice big pot of hot water to soak his sore aching feet in. He said it helped him so much. Now I hope he doesn't think this will happen again for another 18 years. lol.

Hugs sweetie!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

pay it forward. I like that. Everyone is fighting some kind of battle. thanks for sharing. Sarah

Cloudia said...

Yes yes oh yes!

Easy does it....and when we live as you describe so well... it does feel easy!

Aloha, sister

Comfort Spiral

Laura said...

That is a GREAT baby belly laugh. It made me smile. :)
I'm stealing the "I Like Big Mutts.." picture as well. Is it stealing if I tell you I'm taking it?

Your post has made me think about things that I can do today to show love to others. I will try to keep that on my mind as I go about my day.

Great post!